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👣挑行者 Charity Walkathon



“Every step carries out the dreams of the rural students.”
By bearing the burden with your shoulder, you can feel the determination of the rural students to study and their difficulties when walking to school on mountainous terrain. By connecting hundreds of souls, your participation strives to achieve countless little yet blazing desires in their hearts. Every drop of your sweat can help them to get one step closer towards the bright future on their journey; every effort you make can build up bondings between you and the students. Let's join our hands regardless of the distance, and achieve their dreams with love and action!

Shoulder Their Dream has been the biggest flagship fundraising event of our association. In a blink of an eye, Shoulder Their Dream 2019 is already in its 5th session!
In the walkathon, three to five participants can freely form a group. They will carry different weights of shoulder poles according to their categories (challenger, explorer and family) and complete the 6km route. We will start from Aberdeen Country Park, walk past the dam of Upper Aberdeen Reservoir, Lady Clementi's Ride and lastly return to our starting point. During the walkathon, you may experience the burden of the students in rural China walking through steep slopes, stone stairs and narrow hills to school every day. The walkathon will also include a Simulation game, which will provide an opportunity for you to understand the current situation more from the deprived student’s perspectives and have a taste of their hardships.

At the finishing-point, you may write down your own feelings on the message board to bring encouragement to our subsidised students, drawing a perfect ending to the event. Come and join us, Shoulder Their Dream 2019!


日期:2019 年11月10日 (星期日)

✮時間:報到時間:早上 九時半(9:30)

      結束時間:下午 二時正(14:00)


✮路線:香港仔傷健樂公園燒烤區1號場(起點)—>香港仔水塘道—>香港仔上水塘大欛—>香港仔上水塘燒烤區3號場—>金夫人馳馬徑—>港島徑四段 (往灣仔峽方向)—>香港仔水塘道—>香港仔傷健樂公園燒烤區1號場(終點)


隊伍類別 :

#1. 挑戰組 – 挑5公斤蔬果,適合有意挑戰的人士,並設有冠、亞、季軍,均有豐富獎項。

#2. 體驗組 – 挑3公斤蔬果,參加者能淺嚐學生的苦況,不設任何奬項。

#3. 親子繽fun組– 挑2公斤蔬果,重量相對輕鬆,適合一家大小一起參加,不設任何奬項。

​​✮最低籌款額:HKD$200 (Early Bird: HK$175) (建議至少組成三人隊伍參與)

-10月7日前報名,更享Early Bird優惠!




💬 如有任何疑問,歡迎致電籌款計劃統籌 Jenny Lai 賴小姐或發送電郵到。你亦可以瀏覽小組網頁<>以瞭解更多。


【Event Information】

Date: 10th NOVEMBER 2019 (SUNDAY)

✮Time: Call Time: 9:30 am

     Finishing Time: 14:00 pm

Venue: Aberdeen Country Park

✮Route:Aberdeen PHAB Barbecue Area Site 1 (Starting Point) --> Aberdeen Reservoir Road --> Aberdeen Upper Reservoir  --> Aberdeen Reservoir Barbecue Site No.3 --> Lady Clementi's Ride --> Hong Kong Trail Section 4-->Hong Kong Trail-->Aberdeen PHAB Barbecue Area Site 1 (End Point)


#1. Challenger – 5kg load. Targeting at keen and experienced hikers looking for a challenge. Top three groups of challengers will be awarded.
#2. Explorer – 3kg load. Targeting at participants who want to have a taste of the experience. No awards are set for this category.
#3. Family– 2kg load. Suitable for families with kids. No awards are set for this category.

Participant can join individually or form a group within 5 participants. 


✮Deadline: 28th October 2019 (MONDAY)

​​✮Entrance Fee: $200/person

* Early bird discount: $175/person (Apply before 7/10)*


​​✮Online Registration:

*All proceeds, upon the deduction of necessary expenses, will be used to subsidize deprived students in Luodian County, Guizhou Province for their high school tuition fees. *

*The Fundraising Champion is awarded to the fundraiser with the highest donation amount. For application form, please find it in the website.


    Phone - Director of Fundraising Programme Miss Jenny Lai 

    Email -


挑行者2018 之支持藝人 Supporting artists for Shoulder Their Dream 2018

歷屆籌款活動 Past Fundraising Events

年度籌款活動 - 赤足行 2014 Shoes-off Walkathon

恆常籌款活動 - 街頭籌款 On-street Fundraising
零錢佈施 Change for Good





of T-shirts

領取活動 T-shirt


To be confirmed.





地址: 香港薄扶林道香港大學學生會中國教育小組

Address: China Education Association, HKUSU

The University of Hong Kong,

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong


電郵地址 Email:

© 2019 China Education Assoication, HKUSU


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