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隊伍類別 :

#1. 挑戰組 – 挑5公斤蔬果,適合有意挑戰的人士,並設有冠、亞、季軍,均有豐富獎項。

#2. 體驗組 – 挑4公斤蔬果,參加者能淺嚐學生的苦況,不設任何奬項。

#3. 親子繽fun組 - 挑3公斤蔬果,重量相對輕鬆,適合一家大小一起參加,不設任何奬項。

活動日期: 2019 年11月10日 (星期日)


集合地點:香港仔傷健樂公園燒烤區1號場 (詳見 「活動路線及前往方法」)

報到時間:早上 九時半(9:30)

起步時間:早上 十時半(10:30)

結束時間:下午 二時正(14:00)


最低籌款額:每人 HK$200 (Early Bird:HK$175)
截止報名日期:2019 年10月21日 (星期一)
**2019年9月30日前報名可享 EARLY BIRD 折扣**

Date: 10th NOVEMBER 2019 (SUNDAY)

Venue: Aberdeen Country Park

Assembling Venue: Aberdeen PHAB Barbecue Area Site 1 (Refer to Route & How to Get There)


Call Time: 9:30 am

Starting Time: 10:30 am

Finishing Time: 14:00 pm


Details of activity:

Participants will form into groups of 3-5 people. Each group will receive a pole tied to two sacks, filled with different weights of fruits and vegetables. 3 categories are set to meet participants’ need: the Challenger (in which the top three groups will be awarded), Explorer, and Familial. All groups will start together at the Aberdeen PHAB Barbecue Area Site 1 and complete an 6-km trail. 



#1. Challenger – 5kg load. Targeting at keen and experienced hikers looking for a challenge. Top three groups of challengers will be awarded.

#2. Explorer – 3kg load. Targeting at participants who want to have a taste of the experience. No awards are set for this category.

#3. Family – 2kg load. Suitable for families with kids. No awards are set for this category.

Minimum Donation: HK$200 per member (EARLY BIRD offer: HK$175)

DEADLINE:  21th October 2019 (MONDAY)


**APPLY on or before 30 SEP 2019 to GET AN EARLY BIRD OFFER**

Proceeds will be used to subsidize underprivileged senior high school students in Luodian, Guizhou.

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