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  • 最後截止報名為2019年10月21日(一)逾期報名將不獲接納。Final deadline of application is 21 October 2019 (Mon). Late application will not be accepted.


  • 報名人士必須於2019年10月21日(一)前成功繳付最低籌款額,方能保證其參加資格。由於參加名額有限,報名以先到先得為準(以最早成功繳付最低籌款額,即經銀行過數後為準)。Applicants must successfully raise the minimum donation before 21 October 2019 (Mon) to guarantee their eligibility of joining the event. Owing to limited quotas of participation, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority determined by the bank’s clearing date of the cheque or credit card payment.


  • 參加者必須於活動當日(2019年11月10日)年滿12歲或以上,年齡不足者需由成人陪同參加活動Participants must be aged 12 or above on the Event day (10 November 2019), otherwise should be accompanied by an adult to join the walkathon.


  • 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。大會在得悉或懷疑的情況下,將保留取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者資格的權利。People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart attack and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event. The Organizer reserves the right of disqualify participants who are physically not eligible for the event.


  • 無論在任何情況下,參加者退出是次活動報名費將不獲退回。Under no circumstances will participants' entry fee be refunded if they withdraw from the event.


  • 大會保留限制及拒絕報名的權利。The Organizer reserves the right to reject any applications.




  • 參加者有責任按正確賽道路線進行活動。所有活動資料及路線將刊登在網頁。Participants should familiar with and follow their routes that will be announced in this official website.


  • 參加者行畢全程後方可在終點領取証書及紀念品。Participants can get a certificate and souvenirs at the finishing point only if they have completed the walkathon.


  • 大會不會提供行李寄存區,建議參加者攜帶輕便的行李 (如小型背包、腰包等)。Baggage storage will not be provided by the Organizer. Participants are recommended to bring lightweight luggage (like small-sized backpacks or bumbags).


  • 參加者需小心保管個人財物,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負上任何責任及作出任何賠償。Participants should keep an eye on their personal belongings at all times. The Organizer will neither shoulder any responsibilities nor make any compensations if the properties are damaged or lost.


  • 大會已為確認報名參加者購買活動當天(2019年11月10日)在指定步行路線範圍內的意外傷亡保險。All participants on designated route are covered by event insurance of group personal accident and public liability & 3rd liability only on 04 November 2018.


  • 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover.


  • 參加者必須確保體格適宜參加比賽,大會工作人員或救護人員有權因應參加者體能狀況, 中止參加者繼續參賽資格,參加者不得異議。Participants must ensure that they are physically fit to join the event. The Organizer has the right to terminate or pause the participants if there is deemed to be any risk to their health. Participants must abide by this decision.


  • 如活動過程中,遇上天災及人禍所引發的突發情況(洪水、山火、山泥傾瀉、塌樹、 地震、路面受損壞、打鬥等),是日活動有可能暫時停止或取消,參加者須盡快前往安全地方暫避。The event may be temporarily halted or cancelled if emergency situations occur due to natural and man-made disasters (flood, wildfire, landslide, collapse of tree, earthquake, damage of road, fights, etc.) during the event. All participants should immediately go to a safe place to stay temporarily.




  • 如在當日上午 8時正 後仍懸掛黃色或以上的暴雨警告,或三號或以上的颱風訊號時,當日活動將會取消。所有活動消息將於「挑行者2019」活動網頁及小組 Facebook 專頁公佈。If the Yellow Rainstorm Signal or above, or Typhoon Signal No.3 or above is hoisted at 8:00am on the walkathon day, the walkathon will be canceled. All event updates will be published on this website and our Facebook Page.


  • 如活動進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,大會有權將活動形式改變或取消正在進行中的活動。報名費將不獲退還。
    Should the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be raised after the commencement of walkathon, the Organizer has the right to change the course distance or arrangement or to stop the event. If the event is being stopped, the event will be cancelled. Entry fee will not be refunded.


  • 如是次比賽因天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告或其他原因而取消,並不設補賽。No rescheduled walkathon due to inclement weather or other reasons.


  • 請在比賽早上致電香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話: 1878200)  Please check the event day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory. (Tel: 1878200)




  • 大會保留以是次活動照片作日後推廣用途之權利。The Organizer reserves the right of all photos for future uses and references.



  • 本賽事委員會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以大會網站公報為準。The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the Organizer and posted on this official website shall prevail.

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